Baby Boomers Those born between 1946 and 1964 make up the generation known as the Baby Boomers. They range in age from 50 to 65 and are defined the huge population increase that followed World War II and the Great Depression. This generation grew up in a time of prosperity and an absence of world […]
In launching The Generational Bridge Club, Lake Gibson Village’s new program that bridges the gap between the younger and the older generations, we thought it would be fun to explore the unique attitudes and beliefs of our ever-evolving generations starting with the youngest, Generation Z and graduating to the wisest, the Silent Generation. Enjoy and […]
The days of family members living in close proximity are long gone. It is more common today to find extended family members living miles away from each other. Unfortunately, this leaves the youth and young adults without the advantage of bonding and benefiting from the experiences and wisdom of their older family members – primarily […]
We’ve all heard the saying, “Use it or lose it.” Well, this is very much the case where our minds are concerned. As we get older and become less involved in stimulating mind activities, we in essence are allowing our brain – the center of our nervous system and the most complex organ in our […]